
and as time passed by my perception of you altered greatly

i stopped viewing you as the key to my lock but rather i was the key trying desperately to fit into your lock

i tried everything in my ability to make the key fit, urged on by your false niceties, but to no avail

and then i saw him

he walked up and opened the door with ease. i attempted to follow in his footsteps but again to no avail


and thats when i knew

the door was only locked for me

and even with this knowledge, i followed in the footsteps of sisyphus and kept on pushing

trying everything to cut what i thought was the perfect key just to fail

i ignored the advice of those closest to me and kept going

forgot to eat

forgot to sleep

forgot to smile

your faint whispers promising that the door would open gave me all the strength i needed


and then they stopped

your voice was nothing but a distant memory

and as i came to my sense, i realized the keys were not the problem

i was

i was attempting to enter somewhere where i was not wanted. where i did not belong

so i left, no longer trapped by the song of a siren

i had half a mind to leave behind all my failed attempts, as they were a reminder of my sorrows, but the keys were a part of me now, so i took them with me

and while walking away, i realized all that i had lost in this endeavor


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